Oh. You touch my tralala.
Mmmmm. My ding ding dong.

Monday, September 21, 2009
This blog is dead. Haha. Okay. Its been so long since I posted. due to the hectic schedule which I have over the past months which includes a large amount of time spent on slacking. I feel guilty. O levels is just week away now. I feel somewhat prepared. I dont think I will do well though.

Anyway today just had tuition. A math tuition. The environment is superb. Everyone is really focused, although there is a small handful of those noise-makers. I always sit at the back. Right at the back. And _____ was sitting with her friends further up front. I always get nervous when ____ is around. I cant focus. why. dang.

To all my fellow O levels' mates out there. I wish you all the best. If you think you cant do it and you are going to just do badly, look at me and feel that peace once again. :D

A thousand balls. I have few.
You have none.